This will go on continuously if we allow it to happen and stay open towards it.
Many things in life seem like a coincidence. But, do coincidences really exist? Everything in the universe seems so perfectly interrelated and interconnected, from the smallest details till the most complex aspects. Apparently, it is pure perfection. How is that possible?
Our disconnection to nature seems to be the source and cause of all malediction. When may we interfere, and when should Science leave Nature entirely alone?

Leith Sharp, Director & Lead Faculty, Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership argues that the wholeness and completion of the universe are reflected in the perfection of the interconnectedness in nature. If we look at a tree;
“it is seen that the trunk, the main branches and roots of the tree provide the structure and cohesion to support the whole. The tree conserves and distributes resources for the whole, and the tree has routines to support existing system needs.” Leith Sharp
This shows that the minor universe is reflected in the major universe. As small creatures, being part of – we have nature embodied within us.
The unexpected encounter
The second question is whether we should leave coincidences to find their own natural situations, or whether there is a beneficial and proactive way of arranging connections, enhancing serendipity, hence creating optimal environments to develop, advance, transform and grow as collective advanced beings and creating synergy.
Christian Busch, PhD, London School of Economics, stresses the impact networks and communities have on advancement, learning and expansion. Expansion to reach our potential as human beings.
This also involves convenient experiences as hanging out with the right people who inspire and engage us, rather than hanging out with people who limit us with discouragement. By connecting with the right people, new phenomena may be created, come into space and be evolved. By nurturing vital relationships with the right people, synergy and higher purposes can be encouraged. Moreover, we can learn from our failures, learn from other people’s failures in order to grow, so that we don’t have to repeat unnecessary mistakes, either those made by ourselves or others.
Christian Busch emphasizes the interconnection that we have with nature, hence we can enhance this relationship by practicing and curating serendipity.
His arguments for encouraging serendipity is that most scientific discoveries were made by apparent coincidence. As Christian mentions in his article, “where everything from penicillin to Viagra were discovered by coincidence – nobody was looking for them” (C. Busch; The serendipity of impact, March 2019).

Nature rules
The question is whether Science should disturb nature or not, as past experience tells us that our impact on nature has been entirely disrupting, destroying and eliminating at the expense of nature and the essence of our being. In worst cases, it has only served to disconnect us from nature, our true source.
Thomas Kolster discusses in his article, “Is your campaign human proof – How limiting human interference can be the key to success.”, (March 2017, Sustainable Brands), the issue of mankind’s disruption and interference with the fine orders of nature. And how our obsession with change and improvement results in climate-crises and other destructive outcomes, rather than teaching us to change our destructive behaviour in favor of a sustainable future.
Why don’t we stay out of it, and leave nature alone without disturbance and interference? After all, the advanced intelligence and forces of nature scale a different level of completion than the fragmented intelligence of the human species.
“To maintain and extend life – everything from biological life to inanimate systems – generates shape and structure that evolves in a sequence of ever-improving designs in order to facilitate flow.” Adrian Bejan
It is seen that we can be part of that flow, if we allow it and if we allow integration, when we truly understand that we are interconnected and interrelated with everything in the universe, which makes the feeling of separation from the whole, the cause of pain.
Everything seems like a coincidence
The question is – curating serendipity, setting up situations, whether this is an inconvenient interference with nature, or whether it is cultivating a positive impact, advancing us with some kind of preparedness, hence cultivating environments in an expressive, expansive and transformative perspective.
“Truth is that we will not know what will happen in five years”, Busch stresses. And we should not. Though, as Christian Busch presents it, we may set up a special kind of environment to nourish the “coincidence”, to create the best possible terms to invite in the unexpected. We can plan for impact. “We may be practical philosophers”, Busch expresses. “The idea behind this new kind of philosophy is to take a challenge into an opportunity”, and we can relate to that one. As we are interconnected with nature and as we are interrelated with other human beings in a holistic sense, we can advance the intelligence and expansion. Christian Busch explains that “it is embedded in people’s targets, and we can embody it.”
This leads to the higher purpose of Christian Busch et al’s work, to use it on an organizational level in enterprises, in order to develop staff linking to the mission and values in business and building transparency. “In that way we can set up the organization for the future when we cannot predict the future.”
The characteristics of Science are that things have to be repeated in order to be valid. The characteristics of coincidences are that they never repeat themselves.
This has to be taken into consideration when we urge to control and categorize the moment, and the golden momentum somehow disappears.